Sunday, April 30, 2006

Everything is now illuminated

I like bullshitting. If there was something I could do for a living well, it'd probably be a job who could bullshit. The problem comes when along with BS you need to also get stuff done. Blowing smoke up people's ass is a lot of fun. Why can't it remain that way all the time? Why do we have to also do stuff? If only everyone could just BS and make Powerpoint presentations, quality of life would be so much better. No one would have to do anything but crap out of your mouth. Everything would be a six sigma process, since you actually don't do anything. When you do something there is always the possibility that it might go wrong. When you don't, what can go wrong? BS also helps in life, it makes you rich. Since you can please everyone, your bosses are happy and you get promoted. You don't have to believe in anything. If you believe in something, you get attached to it emotionally. The moment that happens, you are doomed. If you BS, that risk never comes. So you progress. Notice how all leading politicians are rich and how the most dedicated activists are poor?

Believing in something sounds good but doesn't feed the family or pay the rent.


Someone Somewhere Out There said...

I know. I face the exact same question all the freaking time. It's like, why the hell should one break ones head atempting to get a project/ task/ anything done the right way and thinking about the results of the project, when there are others who care about things like the money they get out of it, the power they will have etc., and they are the ones who grow vertically at an alarming rate.


Someone Somewhere Out There said...

Just a support for your theory: Todays Dilbert: