Saturday, December 09, 2006

Slave Update

So, I get a call yesterday from ICICI Banking division. Turns out, I am an esteemed member of the ICICI Private Banking Clique. Every time I am standing on my hours-long meditation at their Bund Garden branch, I see these snobs going in and coming out of an air-conditioned room, which reads "Private Banking". Turns out, I am one of these snobs, who had no idea that he is supposed to be a snob. Well, I don't know the exact things you can do through Private Banking, since I was in a meeting and had to ask the caller to call again next week. But maybe I was a little hasty in judging the poor suits at ICICI when I was not using what was my right all along, instead mingling with the "commoners".

Or maybe, just maybe, they read this blog and are trying to buy my silence!!!!

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