Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm Baaaaaaaack

Well .. Not exactly .. Have been in the US now for 5 days.. but not been able to blog at all.. Partly because I was sharing a laptop for the first few days .. (Was sharing a cell phone till yesterday) .. 309-230-5207 is the number in case you need to get in touch .. Turns out, I can't log in to blogger for some reason.. Maybe their system cannot recognise me coz I am out for a long time .. something like that I guess.. Or could have something to do with the hotel that I am staying in ..
The US feels somewhat different this time.. It feels like a place you go for vacation where you have been there before, but you know you are there for a limited period.. Moline is all green right now, the weekend was beautiful weather.. Considering it is 40C+ in Pune, it was a great feeling to have weather in the 20s.. Am here till the 9th.. Shall catch up with everyone as far as possible.. At least with some of the things I am thinking right now :)
Just checking to see if the email to blog version works, or I just cannot blog at all ..

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