Saturday, October 06, 2007

The law of unintended consequences

Every act of mankind has its consequences. These consequences could be broken down into what we call "pros" and "cons". Once the act is carried out, the subsequent pros and cons occur as expected. However, the effect of these pros and cons on other things beyond the purview of the original act is almost impossible to account for. This phenomenon is termed by economists as the law of unintended consequences.

Here are some examples:

How Jane Fonda is to blame for global warming.

How the American Disabilities Act, intended for granting equal rights for people with handicaps, has actually led to a decrease in the number of opportunities for people with a handicap

All in all, this is a fascinating area to delve into. It's almost impossible to capture all the possible consequences of a certain act.

Maybe this is what we in India would generally label as Kismat!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the movie "The Butterfly Effect"...

If you haven't, I recommend you to see it...

It speaks of this theory in a simple way..
