Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Things I think I think (Year End edition)

-- The big ticket in India right now is Narendra Modi. Honestly, (and I know I am going to get a few nasties back) I think he's a good politician. His "Hindu-card" is fake. He did what any Indian politician would have done in his place. There've been riots every where, and always there's been a political backing for it. And it's not just Hindu-Muslim, we've had Hindu-Sikh, Hindu-Hindu, Bramhin - Dalit, and God knows all other kinds of riots. People really don't bother that much about their identity unless someone instigates it. If anything, I'd even go on a bigger limb and say that Modi winning in Gujarat is the best that could've happened to Sonia Gandhi. She now has a "mascot" for the other side, for the general elections.

"Beta so ja.. Nahin toh Modi aayega"

-- The other big ticket is the Australia series. 4-0 Australia. Anything different is a bonus. Not that we should let them run us over, and I don't think with Kumble as captain that would happen, but I would build the reverse pressure. If Ponting's worlds best ever team cannot beat us 4-0, there's something wrong in this world. Imagine the pressure then, if the best that is possible, is the least that is expected?

-- It's been a great year for us. We moved into our house, we're now 7 months pregnant with our first child, everything seems to be going good (touchwood). Nothing much to ask for in the new year. Health and peace for everyone we know.

That's it.

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