Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Let's talk about... Chetan Bhagat..

Depending on how you look at it, Chetan Bhagat’s life closely resembles mine.


·         Engineering college (check, check)

·         Elite institution (check, check)

·         married someone from the south of India (check, check)

·         worked in an IT-ES-BPO type organization (check, check).


In my opinion, Chetan Bhagat is an ordinary author.


There, I said it..


He has been writing books using himself as a muse, and now that he is an author, I assume his next book is going to be about someone who wants to change his profession from an office to writing a book. That, will also be the end of what he writes, since very soon, he is going to pretty much run out of things to write about.


I think he is an ordinary author, who based on writing nice essays in English class in high school, decided that his lifetime dream was to write a book. He is good at small pieces.. Books are really not his thing..


I think Anand Mahadevan is better.


There’s a part of me though, that wishes I was in Chetan Bhagat’s shoes..

1 comment:

T1 said...

Who is chetan bhagat and why should i be googling chetan bhagat?

And why are you reading a chetan bhagat?