Sunday, December 25, 2005

State of the Person Address

It's that time of the year again. This time next week, we shall be counting down to the new year. It'll be time for the resolutions again. I don't know what I had resolved for this year. Actually I could check. Gimme a sec.
Well, turns out I resolved not to make any resolutions. So I guess I am ok. If I was a corporation, I guess I could say I met my goals during my annual review. So let's leave it at that. I quite like the idea that I did not make any resolution and I think it will be my resolution for next year also.  Oh wait a minute, using the rules that corporations should aim to do better let me resolve not to make resolutions for the next two years. Ha, personal stock should be up by this announcement.
Things otherwise are going swimmingly. Other than the fact that I can't swim. It's our anniversary in the coming week, and we are heading off to Vegas to celebrate tomorrow. Also, there's four days of paid vacation thereafter. Plan to relax and make some plans for the new year coming. It promises to be one of lots of challenges and upheavals. You know the time that you feel is going to be one that is going to change your life 180 degrees? ( A lot of people say your life changes 360 degs. But geometry suggests that if you turn 360 you come back to where you were. But more on that later) Will be posting the most news worthy ones on this blog as time goes by.
That's about it for now. Shall post stuff as things go by

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