1. I am so used to work now, that I have no idea what to do on a Saturday afternoon having finished all errands. In an earlier life, I probably would have slept. But right now, I have nothing to do, and also did not sleep. D also complains that I am sleeping less. The down side is that when I do sleep, I do so like a baby. Takes me a long time to get set in the mornings.

2. It's been a year since I am in John Deere. On a lark, I decided to compare Deere with my old employer St. Jude and this is what I find based on NYSE performance.
Feels mighty good, doesn't it? Not a bad ego booster on a lazy Saturday afternoon
3. Indians have it something for the apostrophe. Let me rephrase that. Indian's have 'something's for the apostrophe's. Anywhere you go, including banks (or should I call it bank's) any plural gets hit by an apostrophe. So much so, that I am myself quite confused to the actual use of the apostrophe.
4. Another thing I find is that we are getting a lot fatter. Maybe, it's my own growing weight that has me conscious of looking at plus sized people. But, I do find a lot of fat visible these days. Of course, the kids here are not quite at US standards.
5. There's a lot of junk food available in malls these days. Malls are getting jazzier, richer and louder by the day. Kids prefer cheese pop corn (what the hell is that??) to fresh watermelon juice. You think there's a link with #4 above?? Hmmm ... I wonder...
6. We bought a new car last week.. Brand new, Maruti Alto Lxi.. Felt good for a couple of days.. Now the depression kicks in.. People are out to kill me (or making a damn good impression of it), I am the only one on the road who stops at traffic lights, and the damn Radio Mirchi plays songs that I have never heard of. I am so outdated!!
7. Speaking of traffic travails, I think we in India have stopped thinking. We are so used to simply reacting, that long-term thinking seems like a foreign language. The main road where I live has a divider running for a couple of kilometers. People who come in from the arterial roads, prefer going down the wrong side for these two kms, instead of going the right way, and making a U-turn. Now where does the thought process come into this? Going the wrong way, they are travelling so slowly because of the fast traffic that is coming their way, that I bet they would have gotten to their destination faster going the right way. 4 kms at 60 kmh is still faster than 2 kms at 15. But, people just follow the direction of the nose. It's the same reason we suck at soccer. We don't understand the value of the backpass!!!
8. I don't want to jinx it, but I really do think the Indian team is going to do well at the World cup next month. I will be in Germany and the US for most of the time, so I think it's Cricinfo zindabad for me, but I do think we'll do quite well. And I also do think the Aussies are not going to win it this time. My bet is SA or SL. For sentimental reasons, my dream final will be India vs. WI with both Tendulkar and Lara playing their final game for the one trophy that has eluded both of them!! And I hope the final is rained out, so that we don't have to have a loser!!!
9. I do also think SRT will retire from ODIs after the World Cup. The only reason he has not announced it, is that there will be commotion all over if he does. And there's too many "unnamed senior players" in the Indian team who spill the news to the hungry media that he wouldnt announce it to the team either. But for such a sharp cricketing brain, I would be surprised (and part disappointed) if he doesn't retire after the world cup from one dayers.
10. I do think a lot. Don't you think so too???
Yes you think a lot Chirag
Ankur Bhandari.
Hey Anky, I haven't even put half the things that I think of. Had to stop since I had to go pick up my wife from her office
Hey C, does anyone at JD see your blog? I know a lot of them at SJM see it. hehe. Kidding, but you dont have to write absolutely everything you think, and I know that you dont or we'd all be reading a lot of reviews on bad hindi songs and cricket. Oh God, what have I done! Now dont get ideas!
You're coming to the US? When? If it's alright with you, I think I will steal your things I think idea since I am lacking inspiration these days...and for me apostrophes are still alright...proper use of good and well always throws me even though I know the rule.
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